(Participant) Contract Management

Log in to the system with user credentials. Click on the "Contract Management" section from the menus on the left side. Under the "Contracts" area, click on "Contract Records List" to view the list of contracts.

On the opened page:

To access the contract details, click on the details icon located under the "Actions" column.

The opened page contains details about the contract.

Contract Information: This screen displays details related to the contract.

Parties: This screen shows the information of both the parties and the counterparty.

Additional Fields: This screen contains extra information related to the contract, such as the contract amount and the security deposit amount.

Documents: This section allows access to the contract and provides the ability to enter comments related to the contract.

For a contract in the negotiation process, when comments are requested, click the "Submit Opinion" icon under the "Actions" tab.

On the opened screen, you can select a file by clicking "Choose File" and enter a description.

Once the comment submission process is completed, your opinion will be sent to the counterparty.