Project Management - Tracking Page

Project - Tracking Page

To access all details related to the project, you can use the Tracking page. You can reach the Tracking page by clicking the Tracking button located in the top right corner of the Project Details page. Alternatively, from the Project List page, you can click the Tracking button under the Action column for the listed projects.

The page that opens will display the project details related to the project.

The Green Field This represents the relevant title or heading of the project.

The blue rectanglerepresents tasks.

The purple lozenrepresents the milestones to which tasks are linked.

In the project details page under the Events section, added processes are listed.

Event Report

To generate a detailed report about the project, click on the Process Report located in the top right corner of the Tracking page.

The Event report will be sent to your email address listed in your user profile.