SRM Report
The Supplier Report allows access to responses given to forms created for defined suppliers in the system, the general supplier profile, or supplier performance reporting.
To access the Supplier Report, you should click on the SRM Report menu under the Reporting heading located on the left side of the screen.
On the opened page, graphical data related to suppliers registered in the system can be viewed. All data for the report is updated every 24 hours.
At the top section of the screen, filters allow you to refine suppliers based on Registration Year,
Registration Month, Registration Type, Status, Category Status, and Purchasing Category information. The graphs will automatically update according to the selected filters.
When you right-click on any graph, the following options are available in the menu:
View data: Accesses the raw data used to create the graphs.
Export as an image: Downloads the displayed graph as an image for visual use.
Export to PDF: Allows the graph to be downloaded in PDF format.
Export Data: Downloads either the displayed graph or the raw data as an Excel file.
The Dashboard page is the initial view of the Supplier Report, providing an overview of general information related to suppliers defined under the buyer company. The graphs on this page include:
Supplier Count: Displays the total number of suppliers defined under the buyer.
Registration Form Count: Represents the total number of Supplier Forms defined under the buyer.
Category Form Count: Displays the total number of forms related to categories that suppliers can respond to, appearing as a separate tab in supplier details.
Status Analysis:Shows the distribution of all suppliers defined under the buyer based on Supplier Status.
Location Analysis:Displays the registered address information of suppliers by country. Information can be viewed in a city-specific breakdown using filters located above the graph.
Category Analysis: Shows the distribution of suppliers based on the purchasing categories they have selected through the Categories tab.
Supplier Analysis: Displays the distribution of suppliers based on their statuses. It automatically presents data on a yearly basis.
The button located at the top of the table enables monthly display.
By clicking on the "Pages" button located in the top right section of the screen, you can access other detailed reporting pages related to supplier reports.
SRM Reports - Tables
On the opened pages, you can access information related to forms and suppliers in a tabular format.
At the top section of the table, select from the tabs "Form List", "Supplier List", and "Supplier Category List" to view the desired list.
- Form List: This is a table format displaying information related to forms associated with suppliers, including details such as status, score, and the name of the responding authority.
Supplier List: The Supplier List is a table format that shares detailed information about supplier general information using the existing column structure on the Supplier List page.
Supplier Category List: This is a table format listing information such as category status and selected categories based on the purchasing categories chosen by suppliers.
When you right-click on any graph, the following options are available in the menu:
View data: Accesses the raw data used to create the graphs.
Export as an image: Downloads the displayed graph as an image for visual use.
Export to PDF: Allows the graph to be downloaded in PDF format.
Export Data: Downloads either the displayed graph or the raw data as an Excel file.
SRM Reports – Evaluation Results
Clicking on the "Evaluation Results" option in the dropdown window allows access to relevant graphs.
On the opened page, reports can be accessed based on responses given to forms sent to evaluators for suppliers. This area is specifically used by buyers who utilize the Supplier Performance Management System (SRM module).
A supplier must be selected from the list on the left side of the screen to proceed.
Upon selecting a supplier, information such as Company Name, Number of Evaluated Forms, and Number of Evaluation Periods will automatically appear on the right side of the selected area.
Form Analysis / Period Analysis: This area displays the forms sent to the selected supplier and the scores the supplier received from these forms. At the top of the table, using the Period Analysis button, scores and ratings received by the supplier from forms can be viewed based on period and purchasing category.
Above the buttons for Form Analysis and Period Analysis, filtering can be provided based on the desired form, period, and category such as Evaluation Form Name, Period, and Evaluation Category.
Criteria Analysis: This area refers to the radar graph created based on criteria performance, using criteria specified in the forms where suppliers are evaluated, along with the underlying data on the graph's background. Information such as criteria weight and criteria class can be accessed from the right side of the table.
Below the radar graph, the button labeled "By KPI Score" allows for changing the default graph displayed based on criterion performance.