Budget & Account Code and Cost Center Management
Within the Company Details page, the company's Account Codes, Cost Centers, and Budgets can be managed.
Account Code
The buyer's existing account codes can be added to the system and linked to budgets and products.
To view the account codes, click on the Company Details button under the Company Settings heading on the left side of the screen.

On the newly opened page, detailed information about the company can be accessed. To view the account codes, click on the Account Codes tab under the Order/Delivery menu.

In the Account Codes tab, the account codes defined for the company are listed. To add a new account code, click the Add Account Code button.

In the pop-up window:
· Account Code: The field where the account code to be defined is entered.
· Description: The field where the name of the account code is entered.
· Account Type: The field where the account code is selected as either an Expense or Investment.
Fill in the fields and click the Save button to complete the process.

Cost Center
Expense centers are used for reporting and tracking expenses in the requests and orders made by purchasing users.
To view expense centers, click on the Company Details button under the Company Settings heading on the left side of the screen.

On the newly opened page, detailed information about the company can be accessed. To view cost centers, click on the Cost Center List tab under the Order/Delivery menu.

In the relevant tab, the expense centers defined for the company can be listed. To add a new expense center, click on the Add Cost Center button.

In the opened pop-up, enter the name and code information for the cost center, then click the Save button to complete the process.
After the setup is completed, the cost center must be assigned to the organizational unit that will use it. To add the cost center to an organizational unit, click on the Organization Units tab.

On the opened page, in the row of the relevant organizational unit, the cost center tab should be accessed by clicking the three dots on the right side of the screen. To add a new cost center, click the "Add Cost Center" button.

In the opened window, all cost centers related to the buyer are listed. Select only the cost centers that should be visible to the relevant organization and click the "Save" button.
The added cost centers will be accessible to users in the relevant organizational unit and can be used.
Budgets are used to restrict expenditures in the request/order processes of system users based on cost centers.
To view and manage budgets, click the Company Details button under the Company Settings section on the left side of the screen.

On the new page that opens, detailed information about the company can be accessed. To view budgets, click on the "Budgets" tab.

On the relevant tab, the budgets defined for the company can be listed.
The amount shown under the "Actual Budget Amount" column indicates the total amount used from the currently defined budget. To view the breakdown by cost center, click the red "Cost Center List" button on the budget line.
To add a new budget, click the "Add Budget" button.

In the pop-up that opens:
- Account Code: Budgets are defined based on account codes. Select the appropriate code from the list of account codes defined within the company. Each budget can only be associated with one account code.
- Budget Code: This is where the code for the budget is entered. Each budget is tracked by a budget code, and each budget code must be unique within the recipient's organization.
- Budget Definion: This is the text field where a descriptive title for the budget can be entered.
- Effective Date: This field is for selecting the start date of the budget's validity.
- Expiration Date: This field is for selecting the end date of the budget's validity.
- Budget Amount: This field specifies the total amount of the budget.
- Currency: Select the currency in which the budget amount will be tracked from the relevant field.
Organization Unit: This field is for selecting the Organization Unit where the budget will be valid. If requested in a specially designed workflow for the recipient, it is possible to send processes for approval if the budget is exceeded by a user in the selected Organization Unit.