Dutch Bidding in an e-Auction
There are two ways to participate to an e-Auction event that you have been invited.
In the first method, you can click the Details button in the e-Auction invitation and login with your login credentials to directly access the auction details.
There are two ways to participate to an e-Auction event that you have been invited.
In the first method, you can click the Details button in the e-Auction invitation and login with your login credentials to directly access the auction details.
In the second method, you can click the E-auction List menu below e-Sourcing title on the left-hand side of the screen.
In the E-auction List page, you can click the file icon below Action column to access the details of an e-auction.
General Information tab will be automatically opened in the next page. In this tab, you can view the general details of the e-Auction, send a message to the buyer.
You can make your choice of your participation status by clicking one of the buttons located at the upper part in the General Information tab.
For further information on Documents tab, click the link below.
(Participant) e-Auction - Documents
For further information on Terms and Conditions tab, click the link below.
(Participant) e-Auction Terms and Conditions
To participate to the e-Auction event, click the Bidding Screen tab.
You can participate to the e-Auction, follow the announcements and see the competition information if buyer shares.
On the page that opens, you can participate in the tender and follow the announcements.
In the Dutch auction, the price is periodically changed by the system. All participants have to do is wait for the level of offer acceptable to them and accept the offer at the appropriate level.
The first company that accepts the offer given by the system in the processes ends the e-auciton in the first place.
Depending on the nature of the tender, the bid level may automatically increase or decrease automatically in the Dutch e-Auction.
Change Duration: It is the field determined by the buyer company and expresses the remaining time for the update of the offer.
Price Level: This is the field showing the current price level and currency in the auction.
Change Amount: It is the field that expresses the amount of change determined by the buyer company and will affect the current Price Level.
If you wish to accept the current price level, you must click the Accept the Bid button.
In the window that opens, the warning that you will accept the offer is approved, and the offer acceptance process is realized.
In case a bid is accepted by you or a different participant, the tender will automatically end and the bid button will be inactive.