Minimum and Maximum Bid Modification
In Promena e-Sourcing System, there might be rules specified by the company that started the event, while placing a bid in the Request for Quotation (RFQ) and e-Tender events.
When you access the Bid Screen, you will see a blue info icon on the title of price columns. When you hover on this icon, you can see the minimum maximum bid modification information specified for that column. You must place your bid according to that information. Minimum maximum modification can be presented in two types; percentage and amount:
- Example 1: If Min Max modification type Percentage; Minimum Bid Modification: 0.5; Maximum Bid Modification: 30are selected: While renewing your bid, you must make a minimum bid discount of 0.5% over your available bids. Similarly, while renewing your bid, you can make a maximum bid discount of 30% over your available bids.
- Example 2: Min Max modification type Amount; Minimum Bid Modification: 500 TL; Maximum Bid Modification: 5000 TLare selected: While renewing your bid, you must make a minimum bid discount of 500 TL over your available bids. Similarly, while renewing your bid, you can make a maximum bid discount of 5000 TL over your available bids.

When you place your bid in accordance with these rules, your bids will be successfully placed on the system.
If there is a problem in your bid, then the system will display an error message or warning. You have to correct your bid in accordance with the warning message, and click on the Submit button again.
Important Note: If all your bids are not entered correctly, then your bids will not be placed in the system.
You can place your bids and renew them more than once until the system time is 0. If automatic extension is on in the event, the event will be automatically extended when a bid is received during the last minutes. No bids will be accepted once the status of event is Closed.