Purchase Order Report
Purchase Order Reports are divided into two based on permissions. Users who have access to the PO (All) menu have the authority to view all orders created in the system. Users with access to the PO Report menu can view orders created within their organization unit and orders created in subordinate units within the organization.
To access the PO Report, click on the PO Report/PO Report (All) menu located under the Reporting heading on the left side of the screen.

On the opened page, data related to orders displayed according to permissions can be viewed in graphical form. Total values that create the respective graphs include PO Amount, Number of PO, and Number of PO Items. All data for the report is updated every 24 hours.

At the top section of the screen, filtering can be applied based on details such as year, month, currency, and similar parameters. The graphs are automatically updated according to the applied filters.

When you right-click on any graph, the following options are available in the menu:
View data: Accesses the raw data used to create the graphs.
Export as an image: Downloads the displayed graph as an image for visual use.
Export to PDF: Allows the graph to be downloaded in PDF format.
Export Data: Downloads either the displayed graph or the raw data as an Excel file.

PO Report Grahps
Status Analysis: Shows the distribution of all current orders based on their statuses.

Category - Product Analysis: Displays the number or amount of orders based on the purchasing categories or products used in the orders.

Category Analysis: Details orders categorized by purchasing categories, displaying the default total order amount calculated.
Product Analysis: Details orders categorized by purchasing products, displaying the default total order amount calculated. To access the Product Analysis option, click on the filter located on the left side of the graph and select "Product Description."

Another filter at the bottom of the graph allows accessing the "Number of Orders" information instead of "Order Amount" for the relevant product.
PO Trend: Shows the annual breakdown of order amount or number on a monthly basis. By default, the order amount is displayed. You can select the number of orders using the filter on the left side of the graph.

Average Payment Term: Displays the average payment term annually and on a monthly basis.

Spend by PO Authority: Displays the total order amount, total number of orders, and total number of order items based on the authorized person who created the order.

Supplier Analysis:Displays the total order amount, total number of orders, and total number of order items based on the supplier to whom the order was placed.

Detailed information about created orders can be accessed in a tabular format within the system.
PO List
Click on the Pages button and PO List button located in the top right section of the screen.

On the opened page, detailed information about orders recorded in the system can be viewed.

To filter by any title, click on the magnifying glass icon and enter the necessary information.

When you right-click on any graph, the following options are available in the menu:
View data: Accesses the raw data used to create the graphs.
Export as an image: Downloads the displayed graph as an image for visual use.
Export to PDF: Allows the graph to be downloaded in PDF format.
Export Data: Downloads either the displayed graph or the raw data as an Excel file.