Evaluation Tracking

In order to track an evaluation form, to remind the evaluator officials and to view its latest status, the Evaluation Tracking button in the Performance Management menu below the Supplier Management title should be clicked on the left side of the screen.

A release e-mail should be sent to an evaluator to be notified by e-mail that they have a form that needs to be evaluated. To publish an Evaluation Form, the box on the left of the line containing the relevant evaluation form is checked and the Publish button is clicked.

In the window that opens when the button is clicked;

• Description: It is the field where additional notes to be sent to the evaluator user can be forwarded. It is not mandatory.

• Language: The language in which the evaluation mail notification will be sent is selected. The process can be completed by clicking the Submit button.

For unanswered forms, follow-up can be provided under the Evaluation Status column.

In order to have an answered evaluation form re-answered, the Re-answer icon must be clicked on the left of the relevant line under the Action column. However, the forms whose deadline has passed cannot be answered again.

Evaluators who have not yet answered the forms should send a reminder email to remind them that there are forms that need to be evaluated. To send a reminder, check the box on the left of the relevant evaluation form and click the Remind button.

In the window that opens when the button is clicked;

• Description: It is the field where additional notes to be sent to the evaluator user can be forwarded. It is not mandatory.

• Language: The language in which the evaluation mail notification will be sent is selected. The process can be completed by clicking the Submit button.

On the tracking page, detailed filtering can be done in order to reach the desired evaluation lists by clicking the arrow icon on the right part of the Filter line.

The relevant forms can be accessed by entering details such as the evaluation form ID, evaluation form name, evaluator, evaluation period or date of the form templates to be viewed and clicking the Search button.