Create a CAPA
CAPA abbreviation stands for “Regulatory and Preventive Action”.
Action taken to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation is called Corrective Action, and action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other potential undesirable situation is called Preventive Action.
Preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence while corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.
Regulatory and preventive action can be created by authorized users of the buyer company on the Promena Platform. In order to create a CAPA (Regulatory Preventive Action), click on the Create CAPA title in the Action Management menu under the Supplier Management heading on the left side of the screen.
In the next page;
· Title: It is the title of the activity subject. In the relevant defined title on the listing screens and e-mail announcements
· Description: This is the field where the information to be announced regarding the activity is entered.
· Type: Indicates the type of the activity for what purpose it was created. It is selected from three types of systems: Corrective, Preventive, and Suggestion.
· CAPA Reason: The root cause is selected in order to eliminate the nonconformity or not to repeat it.
o Audit Finding
o Quality Mismatch
o Performance Evaluation Result
o Delivery Mismatch
o Development Activity
o OHS / Environmental Incompatibility
o Customer Dissatisfaction
o Other
· Purchasing Category: Selection is made from the category list registered under the buyer company of the activity.
· Supplier: The relevant supplier is selected for the activity.
· Supplier User: Selection is made from the user list where the supplier is registered in the system.
· CAPA Person Responsible: Displays the user who created the CAPA by default.
· Reference No: It is the field where reference number can be entered for the relevant document.
· Expected Completion Date: It refers to the last expected completion date of the activity.
Mandatory areas to fill will be displayed with a red asterisk. After completing each mandatory row, clicking the Save button will create the CAPA Setup state and the user will be directed to the detail page. On the left side of the screen, tabs such as General Information, Actions, Documents and CAPA Log can be displayed.
General Information: This is the page where the information entered on the create CAPA page is displayed.
Actions: This is the tab where the actions will be taken regarding the activity are added. To add a new action, click the Add button on the page, and in the pop-up window;
· Title: This is the field where the title of the action is entered.
· Description: This is the area where detailed information about the action can be conveyed.
· Type: It is the field where the action type expected from the supplier is selected as Permanent or Temporary.
· Expected Completion Date: This is the field where the expected completion date of the action is selected by the supplier.
Documents: This is the area where the documents related to CAPA are added. Document uploading can be performed by clicking the Add button on the page. The size of the document to be uploaded must be a maximum of 100 MB.
CAPA Log: It is the area where the records of the transactions made in CAPA are kept. The details of the transaction are displayed under the log column. The date of the transaction and the information of the user who took the action are on this page.
To send the CAPA to to the supplier, the Send icon must be clicked below the action column in the CAPA List menu.