Create an E-Auction - General Information (Step 1)

An e-Auction event is created within five simple steps. Completing the General Information part is the first step of the entire process.

When you click the Create e-Auction menu which is located below e-Auction in e-Sourcing title, you will be welcomed by the setup page that is comprised of 5 different steps which are shared on the following page.

All required steps must be completed one by one for the event setup to be completed. The required fields in the General Information” step are marked with red asterisk. All of the required fields should be filled in order to go to the next step.

Title: Used to enter the event’s title that will be viewed both by the buyer and participant users. The determined title will used in listing pages and e-mail announcements.

Company: If more than one exists, the company that the event is wanted to be created for can be chosen here.

Authorized Person:Used to choose the user who is creating the event. The user taking this action will be automatically assigned to the event by default. In dropdown list, users registered with the company can be listed and authorized person can be changed.

Organization Unit:Used to display the organizational unit that the authorized person is located to. No change can be made in this field.

Internal Notes: Used to enter internal notes that will be shared with the internal users of the company. Notes added to this field cannot be seen by any participant.

Note to Participant: Used to add notes for the participants. Notes added to this field will be viewed by all internal and participant users who were invited to the event.

Bid Direction: Used to adjust the bidding direction of the event. For purchasing events select “Reverse” and for sales events select “Forward”.

Currency: Used to choose a currency as the main currency that the event will be taking part.

Click the Next button located at the bottom-right corner of the screen to proceed to the next step which is Event Settings.

In this step, an e-Auction will be created in the Setup status. A unique ID number will be automatically given by the system for each created event.

To return to the previous step, click the “Previous” button and to switch between completed steps, click the title of the relevant step on the "Steps Line".

Please refer the link below for further information on Event Settings page.

Create an E-Auction - Event Settings (Step 2)
Create an E-Auction - Event Settings (Step 2)An e-Auction event is created within five simple steps. Completing the Event Settings part is the second step of the entire process. In order to proceed to the Event Settings step, the mandatory fields in General Information page must be filled and

Please refer the link below for further information on Line Items page.

Create an E-Auction - Line Items (Step 3)
Create an E-Auction - Line Items (Step 3)An e-Auction event is created within five simple steps. Completing the Line Items part is the third step of the entire process. In order to proceed to the Line Items step, the mandatory fields in Event Settings page must be filled and

Please refer the link below for further information on Participant List page.

Create an E-Auction - Participant List (Step 4)
Create an E-Auction - Participant List (Step 4)An e-Auction event is created within five simple steps. Completing the Participant List part is the fourth step of the entire process. In order to proceed to the Participant List step, the mandatory fields in Line Items page must be filled and

Please refer the link below for further information on Documents page.

Create an E-Auction – Documents (Step 5)
Create an E-Auction – Documents (Step 5)An e-Auction event is created within five simple steps. Completing the Documents part is the fifth step of the entire process. In order to proceed to the Documents step, the mandatory fields in Participant List page must be filled and the Next button must