E-Auction List

You can access the e-Auctions you have created in the e-Auction List page. To view the list, you can click the e-Auctions List menu below e-Auction in e-Sourcing title.

In E-Auction List menu, your events with all statuses will be listed by default.

You can access the filter details by clicking the arrow icon on the right side of the filter line.

You can search with information such as e-Auction ID number, title and date. The required information should be selected or entered and the Search button should be clicked.

Below the action column; there are various icons appearing depending on the e-Auction’s status.

Details  icon allows users to access the setup phases of the event. The last completed step for an e -Auction in setup status will be opened by default.

Summary  icon allows users to access the Summary page of the e-Auction.

Send icon allows users to publish e-Auction events in Setup statuses. If there are any missing steps, an error message will be appear.

Delete icon allows users to delete an e-Auction event that is only in Setup status. Cancel icon allows users to cancel published events. If you click to the Cancel button, a pop-up requesting you to enter a description to share with the participants will appear. After the description field is filled, click the “Yes” button complete the cancellation process.

The canceling actions cannot be taken back.

The columns in e-Auction List menu are;

· ID: Displays the unique ID numbers assigned to each event.

· Title: Displays the title chosen for the event.

· Status: Displays the status of the e-Auction.

· Auction Type: Displays the format of the e-Auction.

· Company and Authorized Person: Displays information about the company that published the event and the company user.

· Start Date and End Date: Displays the start and end dates of an e-Auction event.

All columns can be hidden and new columns can be displayed with Show/Hide icon located on the top right-corner of the list. When the page is refreshed in browser, the column information will return to its original state.

The Export icon is used to download the information in the e-Auction list in Excel.

The Print icon is used to print the page with its current appearance.

Please refer the link below for further information on Summary page.

E-Auction - Summary
E-Auction - SummaryThe Summary page is where the general frame is being displayed to both participant and buyer users. In order to move to the Summary page during the e-Auction setup phase, the Documents step must be completed and the End button must be clicked. Another way to access the

Please refer the link below for further information on Management page.

E-Auction - Management
E-Auction - ManagementThe Management page is where an e-Auction event is followed and managed. In order to access the management page, the Management button in the upper-right corner on the Summary page can be clicked. In addition, you can access the Management page by clicking the Management icon i…