English E-Auction - Summary

The Summary page is where the general frame is being displayed to both participant and buyer users. In order to move to the Summary page during the e-Auction setup phase, the Documents step must be completed and the End button must be clicked.

Another way to access the Summary page is, accessing the e-Auction List menu located below e-Auction in e-Sourcing title.

You can access the Summary page by clicking the magnifier icon below the Action column of the relevant line.

As addition to checking the event’s details, you can make sure about the final state of the e-Auction while it is in Setup status in Summary page. In this page, you can view all details created within the initial five steps.

Click the Management button to access the management page, click the Logs button to access the logs page and click the Print icon to print the summary page.

If there is an information or setting that needs to be updated before publishing the event, you can quickly access the relevant page in a new tab by clicking the icon located at the right-corner of each title.

Click the Publish button at the bottom-right corner to publish an event that is in Setup status.

If the Event Start date is later than the event’s release date, the status will be displayed as “Published”. When the Event Start date comes, the e-Auction event’s status will be updated as “Bidding” so that the participants can bid.

Please refer the link below for further information on Management page.

E-Auction - Management
E-Auction - ManagementThe Management page is where an e-Auction event is followed and managed. In order to access the management page, the Management button in the upper-right corner on the Summary page can be clicked. In addition, you can access the Management page by clicking the Management icon i…

Please refer the link below for further information on Logs page.

E-Auction - Logs
E-Auction - LogsLogs page is where every action is being recorded related to an e-Auction event. To access Logs page, click the Logs button located at the top-right corner in the Summary page. In Logs page, you can view the details of the actions taken both by the buyer and