(Participant) Quick RFQ - General Information

The General Information field is located in the Summary page of the Quick RFQ event.  Click the "Details" icon under the action column in the "Quick RFQ List" to reach the relevant page.

The “Summary” page is comprised of General Information, Documents and Line Items.

Below General Information, the settings that has been set by the buyer company, authorized person responsible of the event and buyer’s notes are listed.

Company:  where the buyer company who has published the event is being displayed.

Authorized Person, E-mail and Phone; where the authorized person of the bidding and their contact information is being displayed.

Bid Direction: The direction of the event that was pre-determined by the buyer company. For purchasing events “Reverse” and “Forward” for sales events would be seen.

Start / End Date: where the start – end time and the date information is being displayed. The starting date cannot be changed after the event is published whereas the end date can be updated by the buyer company.

Document Upload Requirement: If active, no participant can enter bid without uploading any document. In this case the required documents has to be uploaded to the “Documents” section of the page. If passive, there is no obligation to upload a document in order to bid.

Participant Official: where the invited user of the participant is being displayed. Only the user invited to the event can enter bid.

In order to update the participant official who will have the right to enter a bid, the “Pen” icon in the related row must be clicked, an a user has to be chosen and then, to save the process, the “Save” icon must be clicked.

The authorized user changes that have been made could be seen in the Logs page. Transactions are recorded as Log type "Authorized Person Update".

The participant official field can be changed by any user registered with the invited company.

In order to view the events that you are not invited to, the Quick RFQ List Filter field must be selected as All under the My RFQs title, and the relevant events should be listed.

When a user who is not selected as Participant Official, reaches the Summary page, “Only Participant Authorized Person can respond to the RFQ.” warning message will appear at the top right corner of the page. Only the current Participant Official can bid for the relevant event. All buttons used for bidding will be inactive in the "Line Items” field.

Buyer Notes: where the information added by the buyer company’s official to share with the participants is being displayed.