(Participant) Quick RFQ - Logs and Bidding Rules
To reach the “Logs” page you need to click “Logs” button located at the top right corner of the screen in the “Summary” menu.
In the Logs page, the actions taken by the both Buyer and Participant users are recorded.
Log Type; where the type of an action is being listed.
Action; where the details of an action is being listed.
Company Type; where type of an action that has been taken by either the buyer or participant user is being listed. For buyers “Buyer Company” for participants “Participant” will be seen.
Company Name; where either the buyer’s or participant’s company name is being listed.
User; where the user who took the related action is being displayed. The IP address is also recorded for the participant users as an addition to the username.
Transaction Date; where the exact date and time is being listed for a certain action.
The columns can be hidden and shown by using the Show/Hide icon that is located at the right top corner. After either refreshing the page or logging into the system once more, the settings will be turning back to its original state.
Export icon is being used to export the list in an Excel format.
Print icon is being used to receive a printed version of the page with the current data that is displayed.
To return to “Summary” page, you can click the Summary button located at the top right corner of the screen.
By clicking to the “i” icon you can view the rules of the bidding in the summary page.
To close the pop-up, you need to click the Close button.