REQ Approval
A user with request approval authority can access pending approval requests by clicking on the "My Tasks" icon located in the top right corner of the screen.

On the opened page, "Pending Tasks" and "Additional Tasks" are listed according to the user's permissions. To view approved or rejected tasks, the "Processed Tasks" filter must be selected.
To approve a request, you can click on the green-colored "Approve" icon located in the action column. Alternatively, to reject it, click on the red-colored "Reject" icon.
To send the request back to the user who created it, you should click on the "Send Back" icon.

You can access the details of the request by clicking on the "Details" icon.
When the approval button is clicked, on the page that opens, you should click the "Approve" button. Additional approvers can be selected from this area, but it is not mandatory. If an additional approver outside the workflow is needed, they can be selected from the optional list and an explanation can be added. If no additional approver is selected, after filling out the relevant fields, click the "Submit" button.

When the "Reject" button is clicked, on the page that opens, you must click the "Reject" button. The explanation is a mandatory field. The request cannot be rejected without providing an explanation.

When the "Return" button is clicked, on the page that opens, you should click the "Return" button. Providing an explanation is mandatory. The request cannot be returned to the requester without providing an explanation.