PO Tracking (My POs)
PO Tracking (My POs) is the page where users can track their POs. Only the purchase orders that are sent to supplier can be listed here. The page will list each PO by its item row by row.
To access the page, click the PO Tracking (My POs) menu in Purchase Orders title.

In this page, users can only view their purchase orders that are sent to supplier.

Purchase order numbers are the shortcuts to access the details of a PO. Click the number to view the details.
Confirmed and Delivered amounts that are added by the supplier and PoD and Invoiced amounts that are added by the buyer users could be displayed in PO Tracking (My POs) page.
Confirmed, Delivered, PoD and Invoiced columns are also includes shortcuts in each row that allows users to access the details of each action. Click the number below each column to view the details.

To search through the POs, use the Filter feature. Click the arrow icon located at the right hand-side of the related row.
To list the desired POs, enter any information necessary such as PO number, RFQ number or the REQ number that a PO was created initially in addition to the PO Status. Click the search button to complete the search or click Clear button to remove entered searching parameters.

PoD and Invoice information can also be added to the system if a user possesses necessary roles to take such actions.
Click the link below for further information about PoD.

Click the link below for further information about Invoice.