PO Management

Users who possesses necessary roles to access PO Management menu can display the POs that are in Sent to Supplier status in the entire organization.

To access the menu, click the PO Management menu below Purchase Orders title on the left-hand side of the screen.

In the page, users can display and access all the POs in Sent to Supplier status of the organization if there is no purchasing category limitation.

Click the arrow icon located at the right-hand side of the screen where the Filter row is, to only view necessary POs by using REQ number of the PO, PO number or the PO date.

By clicking the numbers located below PO Number column on each row, you can access the details of any PO.

The Confirmed& Delivered amounts that are entered by the supplier users and the PoD& Inoviced amounts can be tracked in PO Management menu.

To view the details of each action listed above, click the number below each column that are located at the left-side of the initial columns.

REQ No and RFQ No columns located at the end of the column row displays the related REQ or RFQ number accordingly in each row. By clicking any number below RFQ No column for any row, users can access the RFQ details if they possess enough authorization to access the RFQ.

If allowed, users can also enter PoD or Invoice details into any PO listed in the page.

For further information about PoD, please click the link below.

PoDProof of Delivery (PoD) is a method to record the fact that deliverables sent by the supplier are received by the buyer officials. Adding a PoD to a purchase order can be done by one of the following menus; PO Management, PO List (My POs) or PO Tracking. To add

For further information about Invoice, please click the link below.

InvoiceInvoice feature allows buyer users to record the payment made for the purchase orders. Adding an Invoice to a purchase order can be done by one of the following menus; PO Management, PO List (My POs) or PO Tracking. To add an Invoice in PO Management, PO List (My POs)